Book Discussion Books

Time Loop Movies you should watch


Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! For a while now I have been wanting to use this blog to talk about movies. I know this blog is predominantly for books but I do want to expand it a little bit. Most of the movie posts will still coincide with books and I know a lot of others like movies just as much as I do. So, today I’m talking about time loop movies you should watch!

This post goes along with my time loop books that I just recently posted. Since I posted about one I had to post about the other. I mean who doesn’t want movie recommendations? That is unless you don’t really watch tv much at all.

I’ve watched all of these but one but I hope some of these are recommendations that you haven’t seen but would enjoy!

Time Loop Movies

What are time loops?

Before I get into time loop movies that you should watch I want to talk about what exactly time loops are. I know most of you probably know what they are but I want to make sure I have an explanation just in case any of you don’t really know what they are.

If you have heard of the movie Groundhogs Day then you pretty much got the idea of what a time loop is. They are basically the main character living the same day over and over again. Usually, the main character has something they need to fix or figure out in order to break out of it.

Time loop movies

I know you probably have a least heard of one of these movies but I hope you haven’t heard of all of them. Or you haven’t at least watched them. If you have heard of them but haven’t watched them I hope this post kind of pushes you into watching at least one of them! Make sure to let me know in the comments what some of your favorite time loop movies are!

Before I Fall

Time loop movies

Before I Fall is based on a book by Lauren Oliver. It follows a girl in high school who is pretty popular. So popular she’s going to a party that night for Valentine’s Day. Her day goes really well and she has so much fun at the party. That is until she gets in a car wreck that very night. When she wakes up in a panic it’s morning and she’s reliving the same day.

If you read my post about time loop books then I’m sure you saw this on there as well. It hasn’t been that long ago since they made a movie adaption of the book.

I’m only including it because I know some of you may want to watch it. This is probably one of the easier movies to watch on this list because it’s not horror or depressing. Don’t get me wrong the story has some depressing moments but it doesn’t hit you as hard as some of the others. The only reason why this one was hard for me to watch is because I read the book. The movie doesn’t really live up to it and some of the characters are nowhere near how I imagined them. I would still give the movie a chance because there’s a good chance you might like it.

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it here: Amazon

The Butterfly Effect

time loop movies

The Butterfly Effect stars Ashton Kutcher as Evan Treborn. Ever since he was a kid Evan has had horrible headaches. They are so bad that he blacks out. As he gets older he usually gets them after reading his journals from when he was a kid. When he blacks out he realizes he can go back in time and save his friends. This causes him to go down a dark spiral to save those she loves.

I have to admit that this movie is a little bit depressing but it is one of my favorite movies. I don’t recommend this movie if you can’t handle things that are a little on the graphic side but if you can please go and watch this movie. The story makes you realize that sometimes as much as you try to make things different sometimes it’s not meant to be that way. Sometimes things aren’t in our control and have negative consequences.

The Butterfly Effect isn’t one of your typical time loop movies. That’s because the character isn’t really living the same day over and over again but he’s able to go back to a time in his life when something bad happened. Highly recommend this movie as long as you can handle it!

If you’re interested in this movie you can find it here: Amazon

Happy Death Day

time loop movies

Happy Death Day follows Tree Gelbman. She’s a self-centered college student who wakes up in the bed of another student named Carter. Not a great start to her birthday especially since she doesn’t remember getting there. After leaving she gets a sense of deja vu and an uneasiness that someone is watching her. When a masked killer takes her life Tree once again magically wakes up in Carter’s bed unharmed. Can she figure out who her killer is and stop this loop?

Happy Death Day is kind of a cool twist on the horror genre. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t recall seeing horror time loop movies other than this one. It’s definitely something I would love to have more of because I feel like Happy Death Day didn’t really do Time Loop movies any justice. I only say that because there are some things that aren’t really explained that needed to be.

My only suggestion is if you decide to watch this movie then make sure to keep an open mind because this is meant to be a horror-comedy and isn’t supposed to be taken seriously. If you decide to watch this one then let me know what you think!

If you’re interested in this movie out then you can find it here: Amazon

Palm Springs

Palm Springs is a movie on Hulu that follows two wedding guests who form a romance after living the same day over and over again.

So, Palm Springs is the only movie on this list that I haven’t watched yet and I need to. Time loop movies are some of my favorites to watch no matter what the genre is. That is also including romance even though romance movies are not what I typically go for.

Hopefully, this one is something I can get to see soon especially since I have been wanting to find something to watch.

Have you watched this one yet?

If you’re interested in Palm Springs you can find it here: Amazon

What do you think of time loop movies? If there are any that I didn’t include then make sure to leave them in the comments!

If you want to stay updated with this list along with others make sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

If you’re wanting to check out Time Loop Books you can find it here. This will make sure you get the updated post once I send it out!

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4 thoughts on “Time Loop Movies you should watch

  1. Melanie’s reads

    I’ve seen them all except Palm Springs too x

    1. Kaili

      I need to get to it soon!

  2. Emma

    I’ve only seen the butterfly effect of these. As you say, it’s a bit dark. I’ve seen quite a few romance ones recently though, time loop movies seem to be quite common

    1. Kaili

      I’ve noticed it’s pretty common with romance! It makes me want more with thrillers and horror.

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