I’m the Girl by Courtney Summers [book review]

Book: I’m the Girl

By: Courtney Summers

Published: September 13, 2022

Publisher: Wednesday

Pages: 344

Genre: YA Thriller

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About I’m the Girl

When Georgia finds the dead body of a thirteen-year-old girl she teams up with the girl’s older sister to find out what happened. While trying to investigate the murder she is thrown into a completely different world than she ever imagined. She is thrown into riches and the life she thought that her mother was a part of.

What I thought

I think I was lucky enough to be one of the few who actually got an advanced copy of I’m the Girl. I couldn’t be more than happy about this because I have loved quite a few of Courtney’s other books.

So, I picked up I’m the Girl because I was a fan of a few of Courtney’s other books. Plus, I love thrillers and I have to get my hands on them if they sound good. That’s exactly what happened with I’m the Girl. Plus, I loved the cover when I first saw it. In fact, I still do. It stood out to me so I had to read it.

On top of liking some of her books, I absolutely love the cover for it as well. I am such a visual person and that’s why I have a tendency to get books where the covers kind of attract me to it. Don’t come at me for that!

I'm the Girl

Let me start off by saying normally I love books by Courtney but this one wound up not being for me. I feel like I’m the Girl isn’t really a thriller. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like this is more so a contemporary novel with murder in the background. That is unless you consider the things that happened to her as thrillerish. To be honest I did not find it that thrilling. This story pissed me off and made me want to put the book down rather than to continue read it.

There’s a lot to unpack with this story but I probably won’t go into detail about a whole lot of it. If I did I would probably give too much of it away. For starters, I don’t really like Georgia. I know some readers probably will but I’m not one of those people. I feel like Georgia is a really dumb character. She makes so many bad decisions and all I wanted to do was punch her in the face. Some of the things she does are gut-wrenching and aggravated me so much.

I know there are a lot of people who like characters that make a ton of mistakes. Don’t get me wrong I love characters who aren’t perfect. Perfect people aren’t the reality of things. But there’s a difference between not being perfect over putting yourself in really dumb situations.

The whole plot makes me a little aggravated as well. I was expecting more of a murder mystery-type story and that’s not really how this story wound up being. It was more of a let’s see what dumb thing Georgia can do next.

As much as I wanted to like this one I just didn’t.

If you like Courtney’s books then make sure to check out my review for The Project.

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