Haunted House Books to add to your TBR

What are some of your favorite haunted house books?

Do any of you guys love haunted House books? If you’re here then I’m assuming that you do! Most of these books I feel like are the best haunted house books even though they may be ones that I didn’t necessarily like. I include those that I don’t like mostly because I know that others might love them despite my not liking them.

What makes you enjoy haunted house books? I know for me I have always been interested in the paranormal. I’m not sure what has always drawn me to it but I have been like this since I was young. It probably has a lot to do with people talking about real haunted houses.

Haunted House Books

It’s something I don’t necessarily know if I believe in mostly because I have never come across it myself. My view on that though is that even though I have never come across it doesn’t mean that it’s not real. Plus, so many people have claimed to come across things that are haunted. I get that they could be lying but a part of me just wants to believe that there are always things out there that we can’t explain.

This is just me though! I get not everyone will believe it but that shouldn’t stop you from reading books based on them!

Haunted House Books

Let me know in the comments what some of your favorite haunted house books are because I know I didn’t catch even half of them. I love getting to know what everyone else enjoys and maybe I’ll add them to the list!

How to Sell a Haunted House

Haunted House books

How to Sell a Haunted House is one of the most recent haunted house books that I have heard of. The book follows grown siblings who wound up losing their parents after a really bad car wreck. Now they have to plan their funeral and figure out what they should do with their home. This would be a great way for them to get closer and reminisce about their family. It doesn’t help that they don’t like each other. They haven’t liked each other in a very long time and figuring out how to handle things only makes them argue. It’s not until weird things start happening in the house that they start working together. Can they get rid of the ghosts that won’t go away?

This book wound up not being for me. I thought it was a little bit silly and not really all that scary. But I think that is just because I’m a seasoned horror reader and I kind of feel like this story is more for those who are just starting. If you’re wanting to start reading horror books then I highly suggest checking this one out. There’s not a lot of gore and it’s pretty tame compared to a lot of other books I have read.


The House Next Door

This is another book that I just finished recently. The House Next Door is a haunted house book by Darcy Coates.

The House Next Door follows a woman who likes to keep to herself a lot, but that doesn’t stop her from being nosey. She’s always watching the house across the street from her because there’s something special about it. Not just special but downright frightening. Every person that has moved in there has moved out within a few months to a year. Now that there’s someone new in there she refuses to leave. She has put all of her money in this home and she can’t just up and leave.

When weird things start to happen in her home she ignores it and pushes the thought away. She can live with this. But when the weird things start to take control of her life she has to find a way out before she winds up dead.

It’s hard to make a ghost story new and a little bit different. This has a lot of similarities to other ghost stories but it has a way of twisting it and making it a little bit different from others I have is worth the read!


The Amityville Horror

The Amityville Horror

I’m sure most of you guys already know about The Amityville Horror. It has been made into multiple movies and there are a couple of them I enjoyed.

The Amityville Horror book is about a family who moves into a new home back in 1975. It is their dream home and they couldn’t be more than happy about getting the place. When things start to change and when the husband starts to get angrier day by day they start to realize that maybe something is wrong with the house. Are they too late on getting out of the house?

So I’m going, to be honest. l haven’t read the book. But I have watched two of the movies and enjoyed them. I do think I enjoy the one with Ryan Renolds a little bit better than I did the rest of them.

If the movies are anything like the book then I bet the book is really good!


The Sun Down Motel

Haunted House Books

Just about every small town has a place like The Sun Down Motel. There are people out there who stop at The Sun Down Motel as they are traveling to someplace better. Some locals spend time there to do something a little sketchy.

Now there’s a new person as the front desk clerk. At first, everything is fine. She’s working at night and doesn’t have to deal with a whole lot of people. That’s perfect for her. That is until she starts hearing weird noises. Then weird things start happening to her as well. Is there any way she’ll be able to get out?

It has been a while since I have read this book. I do remember that I enjoyed the book but I don’t remember what I liked about it. It has been about a year or two since I have read it and I tend to forget things after a while. If you want to read my review of it then you can find that here. Hopefully, you wind up enjoying this haunted house book as much as I did!


Welcome to Dead House

Haunted House books

Welcome to Dead House follows Amanda and Josh. Their family just moved into a new home. Amanda and Josh both think that the new home is haunted but their parents don’t believe them. They keep saying that they will just get used to the house but they don’t believe that. When things start happening in the house will they be able to convince their parents they need to get out of there?

I can’t remember reading this book or not. I’m sure I did but it’s been so long that I just don’t remember a whole lot about it. I always loved R.L. Stine’s books and growing up I was a huge fan of Goosebumps. This one is for the younger crowd but can be read by the older crowd as well.


What are some haunted house books that I may have missed? I’d love to hear about some of your favorites!

If you enjoyed this post about Haunted House books then you may also enjoy my list of Haunted House movies.

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