Good as Dead by Susan Walter [book review]

Good As Dead

Book: Good as Dead

By: Susan Walter

Published: October 1, 2021

Publisher: Lake Union Publishing

Pages: 264

Genre: Thriller

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Good as Dead Summary

Holly Kendrick’s husband died and she saw it all. After a hit and run her life is turned upside down. When a lawyer for the high-powered guilty member approaches Holly and her daughter he presents them an offer they can’t refuse. Holly and her daughter, Savannah, will never have to worry about money again. The price? The price is ultimately their silence. They move into a neighborhood they clearly don’t belong in. When they meet their neighbors they start getting a little nosey.

What I thought

Good as Dead is a book I got as an advanced copy of and just got to recently. I wish I had started the book much sooner. I feel like the majority of the books I’ve been reading lately are thrillers. Not that it’s a bad thing but I’m just glad that most of the ones I have been reading have been really good.

Does money give happiness? A lot of people would say yes. If it’s “dirty” money I wouldn’t think so. What price would you have to pay to keep a secret like that? The pacing of the story is very well done. This is probably one of the few times I actually enjoyed a book that has more than two points of view. Usually, I don’t like books with more because it’s hard to keep up with them all. At least it is for me. Sometimes I just don’t have the patience for keeping up with all of them. Thankfully the author made them pretty different and distinguishable so they don’t really blend with one another.

To me, Good As Dead was a pretty fast-paced novel. I was looking forward to seeing how each character connected with each other and how things were going to play out with all of them. It was kind of nice reading a book that throws you off a little. My only issue is that I wish a little more happed to a particular character who pretty much just got a slap on the wrist.

Other than that I really enjoyed the book. The pacing keeps your interest. I’m also pretty happy with the book ended.

I highly recommend this book if you enjoy fast-paced novels that kind of keep you guessing.

Good As Dead

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