Books Horror

Crossroads by Laurel Hightower [book review]


Book: Crossroads

Author: Laurel Hightower

Published: August 10, 2020

Publisher: Off Limits Press

Genre: Horror

Pages: 110

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About Crossroads:

What lengths would you go through to get back one person you love more than anything in this world? Chris’s son died in a horrific car accident and she hasn’t been the same since. What good mother would be the same? Every single day she goes to visit the place where he died at and nothing ever changes. It doesn’t change until the day she cuts her finger and some of her blood lands on the ground.

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Crossroads:

Crossroads is about a mother who would go to any lengths to bring back her one and only kid. She gets no second chance at having another one since it was already so hard to just conceive one. Chris would do pretty much anything to bring back her baby.

I always love a good book that deals with the supernatural. Demons, ghosts, and that sort of thing are always my favorite when it comes to subgenres of horror. I can get enough of them and I like them so much more than slasher books. Crossroads is no different!

If you haven’t read Laurel Hightower’s last book called Whispers in the Dark then you really are missing out. When it comes to her books she really has a way with words and makes you feel like you are there with the characters and going through what they are going through.

So, I picked up Crossroads because I really did enjoy Whispers in the Dark and I was kind of curious how this book was going to go. Plus, the storyline kind of reminds me of supernatural since the brothers cross so many crossroads demons and I always enjoyed the storyline when they did that. I guess it’s because I really never heard of a crossroads demon until the show. So I really had to get my hands on this book!

Crossroads really makes you sit down and think about the devastation of losing a child. How long would you grieve? It’s something you will never be able to get over but exactly how quickly will you be able to move on with your life? Will you even consider having another child after losing one after a certain age. I don’t think many really sit down and think about how devastating losing a child would be and how long it might take some to recover.

This mother goes and visits the place he died nearly every day but soon she realizes that there’s something wrong with the area. But what lengths would she go to when she realizes what’s wrong. I would actually love to see this turned into a movie! It would make a great Halloween movie.

How do you guys feel about novellas? If you are looking for another horror novella then check out Christmas Eve on Haunted Hil.

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