Books Horror

Zoomers VS Boomers by Sawyer Black


Book: Zoomers VS Boomers

Author: Sawyer Black

Published: May 5, 2022

Publisher: Sterling & Stone

Pages: 202

Genre: Horror

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About Zoomers VS Boomers

Craig Boucher and his friends can’t believe their luck. He and a few others were selected to stream a contest where they could win a lot of money. It doesn’t take long for them to get to the school that they are supposed to be streaming at but it’s completely run down. Why would they stream here?

Now that they are there they realize that they were tricked they don’t want to be there and want to leave. This isn’t a real contest but they have no way out. Millions of people still watch the stream not even realizing that their favorite content creators are really in danger. Can they make it out alive?

Zoomers vs Boomers

What I thought

So, I managed to get an advanced copy of this book thinking that it was mostly satire. I went in thinking this was going to be more of a comedic horror based on the name alone. But I do have to admit that I was completely wrong about that. Ultimately, Zoomers VS Boomers really surprised me.

First off I want to state that the cover looks amazing. Thinking this was going to be on the funnier side wasn’t the only reason I picked up this book. I have to admit that whoever did the cover did an amazing job on it. That’s partly what contributed to me picking it up!

I wouldn’t say that this book is really terrifying but it does a great job keeping you on your toes. The story is very fast-paced and did a great job keeping me interested. To be honest I wanted more and kept rooting for the kids to make it through. I wanted them to win because they are sometimes unbearable. They all had their reasons for wanting to win.

If you aren’t interested in gore then I would maybe pass this one up. There are quite a few gory parts in this book. Thankfully, they aren’t super bad but I also have a high tolerance for gore.

I can’t really wait to see what else Sawyer does with the horror genre.

For me Zoomers VS Boomers is a solid four-star read. If you’re a horror fan then I suggest checking this one out. How do you guys feel about generations battling it out?

If this book caught your interest then you might also enjoy The Lost Village.

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