Books Thriller

The Perfect Sister by Stephanie DeCarolis

The Perfect Sister

Book: The Perfect Sister

By: Stephanie DeCarolis

Publisher: Bantam

Published: July 16, 2024

Genre: Thriller

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About The Perfect Sister

Alex Walker looks up to her perfect sister, Maddie. She always has. Maddie has succeeded in all of the areas that Alex wants to. The main thing is that Maddie has escaped their hometown and has pushed away the memories of their unstable childhood. Despite the fact that they’re growing apart they made a pact to spend one week together every summer. It’s a promise they have never broken. At least not until now.

When Maddie cancels her trip there, Alex starts to worry. When she stops answering Alex’s calls and not returning them, Alex is positive that something is wrong. Following the clues that Maddie left behind, Alex starts searching for her. The clues lead her to the Blackwell family who just so happen to be the last people to see her alive. The family seems to have it all; wealth, beauty, and a mansion on a beach. Their world is anything unlike Alex has ever known. She soon realizes that looks can be deceiving and the life they are living always comes at a cost.

What I thought:

So, I partly picked The Perfect Sister up because of the cover. At least more so because of the cover and then a little part because of what the book is about. I love the idea of people going missing and people set out to find them. So, that intrigued me.

There were parts of this story that caught my attention and other parts not so much. For maybe half of the book, I was invested and wanted to know what was going to happen. Let’s just say that I was really invested and I was pretty much speed-reading through it all. I think by the second half I started losing interest. The story was getting a little slow for me and I got a little tired of the multiple POVs.

Usually, there’s a reason for the multiple POV and I feel like with this book it was to mislead you. Unfortunately with The Perfect Sister, there wasn’t a whole lot of that. I got a little bored with the Blackwell’e POV. Everyone’s POV but the Moms. She was the most interesting out of the group. I think I would love to have a story about her and her alone.

On top of that the ending fell flat for me. I think I was expecting more from a book that was really keeping my attention in the first half of it. I’m not sure why. Maybe all of the “twists” just weren’t a surprise after the first twist which left me a bit disappointed.

Now would I recommend it? Yes, yes I would. Just because it wasn’t for me doesn’t mean it won’t be for others. Besides that, I did wind up liking a good portion of it.

My rating is 3 out of 5 stars because it isn’t terrible but I just lost interest. It was just meh, but I’m sure others would like it more.

If you’re looking for more thrillers to check out then make sure to check out this post.

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