Books Thriller

The Children’s Secret by Nina Monroe [book review]

The Children's Secret

Book: The Children’s Secret

Author: Nina Monroe

Published: July 13, 2021

Publisher: Sphere

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 400

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About The Children’s Secret:

In a small quiet town, there is a back-to-school party. It’s being thrown so some of the kids could make friends before school officially started. But when nine kids go to the barn while the parents were inside the house the next thing they know they hear gunfire and two kids are hurt. But who fired the gun? The kids aren’t saying anything about who pulled the trigger. Not even to the police. One of the kids is in a coma but they still won’t admit what happened.

The Children's Secret

What I thought:

The children’s secret is a book I picked up because of the cover. The blurb sounded interesting as well because the idea of kids getting a hold of a gun and actually using it to kill someone is crazy to me. Could you imagine a really young kid shooting someone? It should be unimaginable but it happens more than it should.

Apart of me wanted to enjoy the book more than I did. Don’t get me wrong the story is by no means bad. The story is kind of slow for me, unfortunately. It feels like this story really could have been cut in half and some things could have just been cut out.

Not only that but parts of this story seem unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong I know there are instances where kids do accidentally shoot someone. It’s just hard for me to imagine kids keeping their lips sealed like this. Yes, one or two of them could potentially be good at it. It’s just hard for me to imagine all of them keeping their lips sealed. After seeing someone really hurt and being interviewed by the police one of them is bound to break. Most children are NOT stronger mentally than adults when it comes to this sort of thing. To be honest most adults would break a lot sooner.

I really wish some of the characters didn’t get on my nerves either. Quite a few characters are really over the top. At least they are to me. I honestly hated getting the point of view of some of them.

I still recommend reading this one because it still has some great aspects to it even though this was a solid three-star for me.

If you enjoy books like this then you might also like Imaginary Friend.

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