Books Horror YA

Shallow Graves by Kali Wallace [book review]

Shallow Graves

Book: Shallow Graves

Author: Kali Wallace

Published: January 26, 2016

Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books

Genres: YA Horror

Pages: 368

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

Shallow Graves Book summary:

Shallow Graves follows Breezy. She remembers leaving the party with the warm wet grass under her feet. But then she wakes up. She’s scared and has to pull the dirt out of her mouth. A year has passed and she can’t explain how. On top of that, she can’t explain the man lying by her grave who died from her touch. What exactly is Breezy? And why has she risen from the dead?

Shallow Grave book

What I thought

I’m kind of surprised I didn’t hear of Shallow Graves until recently. I love YA Horror novels. Or at least I love most of them. This one I enjoyed very much because it was different and not something I have read much of. I’m not sure what it is about horror novels that include a multitude of “monsters” or things we have deemed as fake and to be thrown into it when you thought they were fake. If someone is eased into this situation I doubt it could be taken well either.

The Characters

Breezy’s character is pretty awesome. This is the first book I have read where someone rises from the dead but isn’t considered a zombie. So she’s unique and interesting to read about. I love how strong how Breezy is and how she manages to push through some major events. If this sort of thing was real I don’t know how I would handle things. Things being normal one day then the next I wake up underground and its a year later. Just the thought of this makes me sad. Not only is Breezy killed but someone brings her back. It should be a happy moment but she comes back with a curse and she can’t really go see her family. Coming back to life and not being able to see family would be dreadful.

The Plot

I love a story with fast pacing. From the very start the story grabs your attention and keeps it there. Shallow Graves has great world building and reminds me a little of True Blood. The only downside, for me anyway, is how the ending felt super rushed. Other than that the story was pretty good. There was a lot of growth within the storyline and characters. This is the type of story I can see easily becoming a tv show on the CW. With all of the supernatural shows being pretty popular now I can see Shallow Graves doing just as well.

How do you guys like YA Horror books? If you were rise from the dead how would you feel about not being able to go see your family?

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