Setting Goals for 2025 to make this the best year yet

For as long as I can remember, I have always created goals for the new year. Most of the time, I would keep working on my goals until maybe February, and then I would stop. Maybe you are the same way but for me, I always got discouraged. It all started fun and then I would get bored with it and then stop. Are you the same way? I’m sure some of you are!

I know I’m tired of setting goals and then never working towards them. I always find so much motivation towards the end of December and most of January, but then it all starts to dwindle by the end of January. Sometimes I wonder why that is.

A lot of us tend to take the time out to write out what we want to accomplish the next year only to give up a couple of months in. What gives?

2025 needs to be different. I’m setting goals for 2025 and I refuse to give up on them this year. It’s time to feel more fulfilled and make a change.

Setting goals

Goal Setting definition

So, what exactly is the goal-setting definition? After googling it so I don’t ramble about what it means, goal setting is coming up with objectives to complete within a certain time frame.

This could mean objectives that you set up for yourself or group objectives at work or with friends.

Making goals for yourself

Making goals for myself can always be extremely hard. I either wind up overdoing it and putting all of the things on there that I’m never going to be able to accomplish, or there are times when I kind of feel like I don’t put enough on there. They aren’t exciting enough, I’m not doing enough, and my goals are too broad.

I’m sure most of us tend to overthink what we want to do and how exactly to accomplish it. We have come to a society where we want to accomplish all of the things in a year and have the life we want by the following year.

I’ve done it multiple times and I think that’s why I typically stop. I over plan and I try to overachieve. That’s when I start to feel overwhelmed and then I give up. I hate it but that’s been the reality of it.

From here on out I’ll be creating a 5-year goal list (not every year but at the end of every 5 years) and then creating smaller goals that I can complete in a year that will guide me towards that 5-year goal.

So, how do you work on making goals for yourself?

First off I would start by imagining how you want to see yourself in five years. What do you want to be doing? Where do you want to live? How much money do you want to be making? How do you want to dress? What do you want to be weight-wise?

I would go down all of the life categories and imagine where you want to be in five years. What are those life categories? They are Health, Spiritual, Financial, Career, Intellectual, Health and wellness, Family, and social.

Personally, I would go through each category and decide where exactly you want to be in five years. When you’re done with that I suggest kind of writing out broad five-year goals. Then I would really narrow down what goals you can accomplish in 2025. You want to make these goals small and measurable so you can see that you are accomplishing something. I hate to admit it but I’ve also used Chat GPT to guide me on making smaller and trackable goals. Usually, when I’m trying to do things like this I tend to freeze and can’t think of anything. So Chat GPT can be a useful tool sometimes.

How to achieve your goals

So, after setting goals for 2025 how exactly do you achieve them? I kind of covered this previously and that’s to write about what you want your life to look like in five years. Then you would make those 5-year goals into smaller, manageable, and trackable goals.

I would also try and look into how to make those goals fun as well. It’s going to take some trial and error but trying to accomplish your goals shouldn’t be boring. I feel like this is part of the reason so many people wind up just giving up. We all tend to lose motivation and personally, I just lose interest. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Find ways to celebrate and reward yourself for completing these “quests” and turn it into a game. Life is way too short to make things boring and to not get to where you want to be. We shouldn’t get to the end of our lives and regret all of the things that we didn’t do.

What goals are you setting for 2025?

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