Quiet Village by Eden Darry [book review]

Quiet Village

Book: Quiet Village

Author: Eden Darry

Published: August 1, 2021

Publisher: Bold Strokes Books

Genre: Horror

Pages: 312

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Quiet Village book summary

Quiet Village is a horror novel by Eden Darry. The story follows Collie Noonan who just got custody of her niece after her sister was just violently murdered. After a really rough time and a journalist doing something unethical towards them, they decide to pick up and move. They don’t find out until moving to the village that the residents are verging hostile.

Emily Lassiter also just moved to this village. Emily is a reporter working undercover as a school teacher. She’s trying to figure out what happened to her brother who disappeared from the same area.

As Eden and Emily are drawn closer together will they be able to figure out the mysteries of this town? Or will they ultimately disappear as well?

Quiet Village
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Rating: 5 out of 5.

What I thought about Quiet Village

So, I managed to get an advanced copy of Quiet Village by Eden Darry. I’m so happy that I did because I absolutely loved it. First of all, I absolutely love the cove. That’s what grabbed my attention, to begin with! On top of that, I don’t know what it is about horror books that take place in a small town that always grabs my attention but I love them. Small towns just hit different especially if you’re from a bigger area. They also take time to get adjusted to and it can almost make you think that everyone is out to get you.

The Characters

The main characters are Eden and Emily. I’m sure some of you horror fans will be happy about the two main characters being a part of the LGBTQ. Maybe I just don’t read a lot of horror books anymore but you really don’t find many with LGBTQ characters. So having the main characters be a part of it is awesome.

I actually ended up finding myself liking Eden a lot. She’s a strong character who stands up and takes care of her niece even though she never really saw herself having kids. I know a lot of aunts and uncles love their nieces and nephews but I know a lot of them wouldn’t be willing to take care of them. Either they aren’t willing or aren’t capable. So, it’s awesome that Eden was willing to do that despite not ever seeing herself having kids.

For some reason, I didn’t like Emily so much. I think that’s mostly because she’s lacking any real depth. She doesn’t stand out to me as much as Eden even though she’s still a really awesome character.

The Plot

The plot of Quiet Village is actually pretty fast-paced. I wouldn’t say that the story is super scary or anything but it does keep your attention. There are some aspects of it that are pretty creepy too. There are times it kept me up and wondering what was going to happen next.

I’m actually kind of glad that we got the point of view from the “bad guy”. That’s all I’m going to call him because I don’t want to spoil anything. But we do get a little bit of the point of view from the bad guy. There’s not a lot but there’s just enough to keep you on edge and wonder what’s going to happen. I absolutely love that it was added to the story.

Do you guys enjoy stories that take place in small towns?

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