Books Thriller YA

Nothing More to tell by Karen M. McManus

Nothing More to Tell

Book: Nothing More to Tell

By: Karen M. McManus

Published: August 30, 2022

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Pages: 358

Genre: YA Thriller

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About Nothing More to Tell

What feels like a lifetime ago Brynn left her school and her friends after the murder of her favorite teacher. She couldn’t be more happy about moving away from the person that she thought she was friends with but ditched her. On top of that, she’s not allowed to investigate her teacher’s death and because of that, she wants to get away.

Four years later her family is moving back and she joins a true crime news outlet where she pitches the death of her favorite teacher. She knows something is wrong with how things happened. The only way she can figure out what happened is by getting close to her old friend.

What I thought

I think this is by far one of my favorite books by Karen. That’s actually saying a lot because her books are usually hit or miss for me. There’s no in-between for me when it comes to her books. This is why I’m always skeptical about getting her books. Some of her stories are pretty predictable and boring while others leave me second-guessing and are pretty fast-paced.

Brynn and Trip are probably one of my favorite characters. I’m not sure what it is about the two of them but I feel like the two of them are fleshed out well and actually really relatable. I found myself really rooting for them throughout Nothing More to Tell. I feel like even though this a YA novel and I’m an adult I could really relate to both of them. That’s actually saying a lot because I’m obviously an adult reading a book aimed at a younger audience.

Nothing More to Tell

This book is very well-paced and kept me interested through the whole thing. When both the plot and the characters work very well with the plot. It did a very good job of keeping me interested and invested in the characters.

There are a few parts where the book actually threw me off from who the actual killer was. The ending was a bit of a surprise and I wasn’t really expecting it. That’s obviously a plus because I don’t like being able to guess who it is towards the beginning.

So, why didn’t I give this book 5 stars? It came very close to being 5 stars but the ending fell a little flat for me. Granted the bad guy was a bit of a surprise but it was a bit lackluster. I feel like a lot of Karen’s books wind up being this way. Most of the bad guys she chooses are either predictable or I don’t really care who the bad guy ends up being. It’s just lacking for me.

If you enjoyed this book review then you might like my list of some of the best YA Thrillers.

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