Journal prompts for mental health

It seems like over the past few years mental health problems have been on the rise. Not a whole lot of people are happy and enjoying their lives. We spend most of our lives on social media, phones, and computers. Prices for things are at an all-time high. Despite this, there are ways to change our circumstances. We can at least change the way we think and our mindset. Journaling is a good way to help with this and having journaling prompts can help with what we need to talk about. But if you don’t know what to talk about when it comes to journaling then having journal prompts can help with that tremendously.

What are journal prompts?

Journal prompts are questions that you give yourself to answer in your journal. I know there are a lot of times that when I try to journal I don’t know exactly what to talk about. But there are also a lot of times when I feel like I’m constantly repeating myself when I write in my journal.

I don’t want to constantly vent about the same thing or repeat about the things that I want to accomplish. That’s the great thing about having journal prompts! Unless you’re just wanting to use journaling to vent, then it would be a different story. Otherwise, I feel like journaling should kind of help you out and help you figure out where you should go next.

Journal prompts for mental health

Journal prompts for mental health

  • What is one thing that you are grateful for today? Why?
  • What experience in the past has made you stronger?
  • How do you handle stress? Is there a way that you can handle it differently?
  • What do you consider self-care? Is there a way you prioritize it?
  • Write about when you overcame fear or anxiety.
  • What feelings have you been feeling the most this week?
  • What’s something that has been bothering you? What steps can you take to work through it?
  • What’s something that you can forgive yourself for today?
  • When was the last time you felt truly at peace? Describe that moment.
  • What has been setting off your anxiety lately? Is there a way you can reduce those triggers?
  • Talk about a time when you felt calm and grounded. What helped you in that situation?
  • Write about five things you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel right now.
  • Write about the steps you can take for something you’re about about.
  • Write a list of your limiting beliefs about yourself. How can you challenge those?
  • List off your strengths and how they have helped you in rough times.
  • What’s a habit you would like to break? What habit you would like to build?
  • List the people who support you. What do you cherish about them?
  • What’s a positive memory that still makes you smile?
  • What good came from challenging a problem in your life?
  • What task have you been avoiding? What’s the first task you can work on to complete it?
  • What point was there a time you felt misunderstood? How could communication have helped you through that?
  • What boundaries can you set to protect your mental health?
  • How do you see your life five years from now?
  • Talk about your perfect day from start to finish in detail.
  • Describe how healing looks and feels like for you.
  • What advice would you give your younger self?
  • What do you want to accomplish by the end of the year?

Where to buy a journal?

There are tons of places where you can go and buy yourself a journal. The most obvious one is Amazon. There are a ton on there that you can choose from. But if you are just as picky as I am when it comes to what you buy then there are quite a few other places that you can look at. One place is Walmart or Target. There are quite a few on their shelves but I found that there is the main place where I can’t really find anything that I like. Other places would be art stores such as Michaels or Hobby Lobby. Then there are your bookstores that have many as well. The journal I’m using now is one that I found at Books A Million. If you want to find journals on Amazon then you can find them here.

How are you wanting to use journaling? Are you hoping to just vent things out? Or do you want to use it as a tool for your goals and a way to guide you on what triggers your anxiety or depression?

I would love to hear what kind of journals you like to use. I’m very picky about this sort of thing so I love hearing if anyone is just as bad as I am about it!

If you want to read more posts about journaling then you can start here.

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