Books Horror YA

Creepshow: The Cursed by Elley Cooper [book review]

Creepshow: The Cursed

Book: Creepshow: The Cursed

Author: Elley Cooper

Published: April 20, 2021

Publisher: Scholastic Inc

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 224

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About Creepshow: The Cursed:

Creepshow: The Curse is a young adult horror novel that has two stories in one. The stories are inspired by the new show called Creepshow.

The first story is about a girl who is obsessed with the past. She dresses and even acts like some of the women from the past and she’s good at making it as authentic as possible. One night she falls asleep and dreams that she’s in the past. But is it really a dream? Because it sure does feel reel to her.

The second story takes place in the past when two boys go camping out in the woods. At first, everything is fine and they are telling each other scary stories. That is until they attempt to go to sleep and see something scary outside of their tent.

Creepshow: The Cursed
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Rating: 4 out of 5.

What I thought about Creepshow: The Cursed

Before I get to my review.. If you are wanting more YA horror books make sure to check out my list of them here.

I am so ecstatic that I was able to get an advanced copy of Creepshow: The Cursed! I love horror no matter if it’s YA or adult and I’ve been meaning to read more of them this year. On top of that, I always love stories that have that creepy feel and make you wonder what is going to happen next. Creepshow: The Cursed does a great job keep you on your toes and wanting to be able to find out what happens next.

The characters

The characters of these stories are pretty young but in some ways seem a lot older than they are. Not too many girls really care about the victorian age or try to be like the women from back then. But everyone likes different things and I’m sure there are girls out there who are fascinated with all different eras. I did find her character interesting and wondered how they were going to get out of the situation that they were both in. `

The Plot

So, my only issue with the story is that it reads more like a middle-grade novel than an actual YA novel. I know I’m contradicting myself because I said that the characters seemed older. And they really do seem older. But the writing style seems more for a middle-grade novel than YA. Not that this bothers me so much but I always like to warn people in case they aren’t fans of middle grade. Or you can just read the book for yourself and decide that on your own.

Both Creepshow books actually kind of remind me of Goosebumps. The way they are written and some of the “shock” factors are a lot like Goosebumps. I’m not really sure how the story compares to the show since I have never watched it!

The Plot of Creepshow: The Cursed is fast-paced and will keep you attached to the book the entire way through. On top of that, both stories are pretty short so you can read them pretty quickly.

If you liked this review then make sure to check out my review for the first book Creepshow: The Taker.

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