Book Discussion Books

31 blogtober ideas for book bloggers

blogtober ideas for book bloggers
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Hi everyone and welcome to Owl Book World. October is coming up and you know what that means! Blogtober is coming up for any blogger. But since I’m a book blogger I will be aiming this more towards other book bloggers. I hope you enjoy it and get some helpful ideas out of it!

It’s something that I have probably participated in once and I may do it again. But it does take a lot of work because you write a post for every day of October. I know there are some who can do it and I might try again next year but I’ll have to plan for it months ahead of time! So what exactly is blogtober?

What is blogtober?

Blogtober takes place in the month of October (hence where the name comes from). It’s a yearly thing that gets bloggers excited for the fall season and the holidays. This is where we talk about anything fall and Halloween-related. This includes scary books and movies that you just love to talk about. For a while, I’ve been wanting to make a list of posts for book bloggers to talk about during this event. That’s because sometimes it is so hard to find things to talk about other than books. Or most of the topics we end up thinking about literally every other blogger is talking about too. On top of that, I see multiple bloggers using the same ideas and that’s fine but I also want to talk about things that every other blogger won’t be talking about as well.

So, this year I’ll probably post a few blogtober posts during the times I normally post! Some of them might be the blogtober ideas that I’ve posted here but if I end up thinking of anything else to post then I will probably change things up.

So here are 31 book bloggers:

  1. Book reviews (Duh!)
  2. Top horror movies
  3. Top horror books
  4. horror subgenres you like and why
  5. Horror books that weren’t as creepy as you thought it would be
  6. Books that gave you nightmares
  7. Books with crazy endings
  8. Creepy covers
  9. Favorite reading spots during the fall
  10. Books that take place on Halloween
  11. Paranormal books (not necessarily horror) you have enjoyed
  12. Favorite type of monster in movies/books
  13. Books you feel go well with the fall season
  14. World wide virus
  15. Halloween book for those who don’t scary books
  16. Haunted houses
  17. Scary books you thought were unique
  18. Horror novellas
  19. Horror anthologies
  20. YA horror
  21. Middle grade horror
  22. Books that remind you of a certain movie
  23. Scary books with POC author
  24. Scary books with POC characters 
  25. Scary books for young children
  26. Cozy mysteries
  27. Comfort clothes to read in during the fall
  28. Best bookish costumes
  29. Scary movies for children
  30. Things to help you get in the Halloween spirit 
  31. Favorite Halloween candies

Do you guys have anything interesting you’re going to talk about during blogtober? I hope you guys enjoy doing these posts as much as I do! If you end up doing any of the posts on your blog then make sure to tag me in them because I would love to read what you wrote.

Need some ideas of what you should read this month? Make sure to check out this post and hopefully you’ll end up finding some things to add to your list!

If you’re looking for recommendations then you can find a list here that would be perfect for October.

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23 thoughts on “31 blogtober ideas for book bloggers

  1. Natalie

    I am just doing my regular content for Blogtober,, but I love this list because I may need ideas. Thank you for sharing!

    1. admin

      I hope they help if you decide to use them!

  2. Nadene

    Thanks for sharing. This is a great way to get unique blog content.

  3. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf

    Excellent idea! I have my posts queued up for this year but I am going to remember this for 2021. Love spooky season!

    1. admin

      So do I! Spooky season is my favorite time of year.

  4. DJ Sakata

    I am a horrible blogger, I am far too lazy for this but will to be eager to see what your do

  5. DJ Sakata

    I am a horrible blogger, I am far too lazy for this but will to be eager to see what you do with it

  6. Ivana - Diary of Difference

    Those are some really amazing prompts – I’ve saved your post, and will try to post some during October 😀 Thank you for the ideas.

    1. admin

      Thank you! I’m glad they helped!

  7. Alice

    So many fun ideas! I’m too busy to do blogtober myself but I’m so excited to see what others can come up with!

    1. admin

      I honestly wish I could have joined in. It’s so much fun to do but it’s so much work.

  8. Jodie | That Happy Reader

    Great post and good food for thought. While I am planning a few posts relating to Blogtober, I’m not officially participating. I’m a fan of thrillers but not as my primary genre. Thanks for sharing.

    1. admin

      I hope they help!

  9. Robin Loves Reading

    Not participating, but great ideas.

  10. Louize

    Scary books for young children – doing something like this. Yay!

    1. admin

      I know young children love to read scary things too. At least I know I did when I was younger.

  11. Shelleen

    I am not doing this but love the idea.

    1. admin

      Thank you!

  12. ShootingStarsMag

    Great ideas. I’d love to read posts about bookish costumes – they are always fun – and cozy mysteries, since I love them and want to read more.


  13. Katiria Rodriguez

    Great post and amazing ideas. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  14. […] Also make sure to go and check out my latest post! […]

  15. ityreads

    Great post! I’ll have to use some of these for October posts!!

    1. admin

      Thank you!

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