Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here talking about a 2022 reading challenge. After all, it is still 2021. Can you guys believe that 2022 will be here in just a few months!? So, since we only have a couple more months to go I want to be able to share my reading challenge with you in hopes some of you will join me. Since I started blogging I have always wanted to create a challenge that other readers would want to join in!

So… why join THIS Reading Challenge?
Since I started blogging in 2018 my TBR has grown a lot. So much so it’s getting a little overwhelming. I think as I continue my book blogging journey that’s not going to change. If I don’t change and work on things now then it’ll get unbearable and drive me crazy, hence why I’m working on this. I want to hold myself accountable and start narrowing my books down. Plus, I want a community that’ll help push me (as well as me pushing them). If this sounds like you then this is the perfect challenge to join. Even if it doesn’t sound like you this will still be an awesome challenge to jin because I’ll be sending out book recommendations each month. There will be three prompts each month with some surrounding certain events happening around that time. Easy right?
This time I’m trying to make the 2022 reading challenge somewhat simple and easy for me and everyone else. But as the years go on (and hopefully more readers joining in) I’m hoping to expand the challenge a little bit and make it something that others would want to do every year.
But for reference, this will never turn into a competition. Granted competitions are fun I feel like a lot of them get too competitive and get a lot of readers in a reading slump. On top of that, a lot of us are in different walks of life and are potentially too busy to keep up with others, so I don’t want anyone to feel left behind!
Okay! Now it’s time to get into the challenges for each month!
Make sure to join the Facebook group for the challenge here.
Challenge by month
I know most of you guys might not want to do month by month but I figured this may be the easiest way to do things. On top of that if you are a book blogger (blog, Instagram, youtube) I’m hoping to do it this way will be easier to share on social media and keep us on track. When you do post make sure to hashtag #OBWReadingChallenge and tag me @ OwlBookWorld (it’s the same on both Instagram and Twitter).

- Popular book from 2021
- A book that’s inspiring or gives hope
- A book released in 2021

- Book by a POC
- A book out of your comfort zone
- A book a part of Reese’s book club

- A book that was turned into a show before 2022
- The first book of a series
- A dystopian novel

- A sad book
- A retelling
- Perfect for a rainy day

- A author you’ve read before
- A 2021 best seller
- A book that was turned into a movie before 2022

- Revovles around Superheroes
- A graphic novel
- Summer vibes (a thriller, romance, etc. that gives you summer vibes)

- Popular on TikTok
- YA Thriller
- A reread

- Book turned into a movie this year
- Your shortest book
- A book with two authors

- A banned book
- Book from the library
- Your longest book

- Book with vampires
- YA Horror
- Book with a creepy cover

- Published this year
- A sequel you’ve been meaning to read
- Book gifted by a friend/family

- Takes place in a small town
- Christmas themed
- Book that’s been sitting on your shelf the longes
Make sure you are subscribing to my newsletter because I’ll be sending out a newsletter each month with book recommendations. This will help out a lot if there are some themes you aren’t really sure what exactly to read or if you’re just wanting more ideas! You can subscribe below.
We do have a Facebook group for the 2022 reading challenge you guys can join in on. We’ll be talking about the books we read each month and supporting each other in order to get through our TBR’s. You can find that below.
OBW Reading Challenge | Facebook
Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you join in on the reading challenge but most of all have fun with it! Let me know in the comments what you’re hoping to see with future reading challenges and how you would like to see it evolve!
Great idea to separate it by months! Definitely seems more manageable ^_^
I hope it helps other readers as well!