Books Thriller

These Silent Woods by Kimi Cunningham Grant [book review]

These Silent Woods

Book: These Silent Woods

Author: Kimi Cunningham Grant

Published: November 16, 2021

Publisher: Minotaur Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 288

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About These Silent Woods

Cooper and his young daughter, Finch, have been living in the Appalachian Woods for nearly eight years. They’re isolated and that’s the way he wants it especially since he has a lot to hide. Finch has been raised on the wilderness and isolation but she’s starting to push back on her sheltered life. The only people who really know they exist is a hermit named Scotland and Cooper’s old friend Jake. Jake usually brings them food every winter but this year he doesn’t show up. Suddenly the boundaries they put in place for their safety starts to weaken when a stranger shows up in their woods. Finch’s obsession with her and wanting friends can put them all in danger.

These Silent Woods

What I thought

So, I picked up These Silent Woods one) because of the cover and two) because I love a good thriller. It catches my attention when the main characters are on the run. I think it’s something that grabs my attention because I know I will never go through it.

One thing I really liked about These Silent Woods is the fact that Cooper does something wrong, but he still has people who want to help him. He deserves the help and really should have gotten it from the beginning. I’m honestly just curious how nobody realized he has PTSD. He has obvious signs. Why try taking his kid away instead of giving him the help that he really needs? I just don’t understand it. Did his ex’s parent’s hate him that much? I’m just glad he finds people who understand.

One thing that bothered me a little is that I don’t really consider These Silent Woods much of a thriller. To me this is more of a family drama story with a couple of thriller scenes thrown in. There’s really not a lot about this book that sends off that this is a thriller to me. Maybe I’m just being subjective.

Despite that the book has a great way of keeping you interested and wondering what will happen next.

For These Silent Woods is a solid three star book. I’m just a little disappointed that it’s not really what its claiming to be.

If you enjoy books like this, then you might also enjoy We Were Never Here.

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