Books Contemporary Thriller

The Missing Hours by Julia Dahl [book review]

The Missing Hours

Book: The Missing Hours

Author: Julia Dahl

Published: September 14, 2021

Publisher: Minotaur Books

Genre: Thriller

Pages: Thriller

Amazon | Bookshop

The Missing Hours book summary:

It seems like Claudia Castro has it all. She has a famous family, trust fund, thousands of Instagram followers, and a spot in NYU’s freshman class. But with a closer look, her life isn’t what it seems. Starting school is her fresh start. That is until after one drunken night her life changes forever.

The Missing Hours

What I thought:

So, I picked up The Missing Hours one because of the cover and two because of the synopsis. It’s always hard to believe that someone who seems to have it all together. Their life seems so perfect and they seem to have everything they will ever need. In most cases, I feel like that’s pretty accurate but that isn’t always the case. Bad things can happen to everyone in all walks of life. I think I like The Missing Hours more than other books that are similar because I feel like the story is really well written.

Most books that cover this topic don’t really do the main character justice. You don’t really feel for the main character like you should. I feel like Julia Dahl does a great job making you really feel bad for Claudia and really hate the people that did what they did to her. I’m really glad that Claudia has people in her corner. There are too many people out there who have no support at all.

I could not imagine going through what Claudia did. I would be mortified, embarrassed, and scared. It doesn’t help that there are tons of people who are able to get away with this sort of thing. So, I do have a love-hate relationship with this story though. I love how strong Claudia is but I really hate most of the men in this book but not all of them. I can’t begin to explain how mad I got with a certain thing and I wish it wasn’t the sad reality of this.

If you enjoy books like this then you might also enjoy My Dark Vanessa.

Do you enjoy books where the main character slowly remembers things that happened to them throughout the book?

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