Books Horror YA

The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldausky [book review]

The Mary Shelley Club

Book: The Mary Shelley Club

By: Goldy Moldausky

Published: April 18, 2021

Publisher: Henry Holt & Company

Pages: 468

Genre: YA Horror/Thriller

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About The Mary Shelley Club:

Rachel Chaves is new to Manchester Prep but she’s excited to have a fresh start. However since she is one of the few scholarship kids at the school, she struggles to fit in. Unfortunately, when she gets caught up in a prank she winds up finding herself with more enemies than friends.

The prank she winds up finding herself entangled with attracts the attention of the Mary Shelley Club. It’s a cool secret club that has been around for a while where the students apart of the club have to come up with the scariest prank.

When someone starts targeting the club Rachel has to track down the monster around her, even if that means coming face to face with dark secrets from her past.

What I thought

I have gone through quite a few books that are considered horror and thriller and haven’t been able to get into them. I do have to admit The Mary Shelly Club was probably one of the more fun books for me. This is the type of club that I really wish was a thing back when I was in high school. Granted I would not have wanted some of the things that happen in this book to happen in real life. But I do feel like I would have loved being in a group like this. Growing up I always felt like I was made fun of for liking horror. It doesn’t help that I was a minority with it and was one of the only females who enjoyed it as much as I did. Ultimately I wound up being okay with this.

The Mary Shelley Club has probably been one of my more favorite books so far this year. I just wish I hadn’t kept passing it up just because I didn’t think I would like it. It’s always good to try it out and see if you like it anyways.

So, I’m wondering if this were a real group then how out of hand would things get? Would other groups take it too far as well? I would hope that if I were apart of it then it would have been more fun than anything.

One thing that turned me off a little is that the story should have been a little shorter. There was just a lot of excessive parts to the storyline that made the story drag out way too much.

Overall the story is decent though. The ending actually surprised me as well. I know some will probably be able to guess exactly what happens or at least close to what’s going to happen. Despite what my negative is I feel like if you’re interested then try to give it a shot. It’ll be worth it!

Would I recommend The Mary Shelley Club? Yes, yes I would. I’m sure a lot of you will enjoy it!

If you like YA horror books then you can find my list of my favorite YA horror books here.

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Book: The Mary Shelley Club By: Goldy Moldausky Published: April 18, 2021 Publisher: Henry Holt & Company Pages: 468 Genre: YA Horror/Thriller Disclaimer: This post may contain an affiliate link. What this means is that if you purchase anything through the link I provide for you then I will earn a small commission at no […]


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