Books Thriller

The Final Chapter by Jerome Loubry [book review]

The Final Chapter

Book: The Final Chapter

Author: Jerome Loubry

Published: October 26, 2021

Publisher: Hodder

Pages: 256

Genre: Thriller

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Hey everyone and welcome to Owl Book World! Today I bring you The Final Chapter book review. This book is an awesome thriller by Jerome Loubry. I’m so happy that I got the chance to read and review this book because I love a good thriller and I love books that have a book within a book!

The Final Chapter book summary

The Final Chapter mostly follows David, but there are a few other characters we follow in David’s past. The book is about a business closing down and a few of the workers not really being happy about it. So, those workers decide to take matters into their own hand but ultimately makes matters worse. Years down the road David has a good life. He’s a writer and has a great income. It’s not until he gets a book in the mail that things start to uproot his life. This book tells him all about what happened all those years ago, but it’s something he has to figure out himself. If he figures it out what should he go to the police?

The Final Chapter
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Rating: 3 out of 5.

What I thought About The Final Chapter: 

So, I actually got an ARC (advanced readers copy) of The Final Chapter. What interested me about the book is the cover and the synopsis. I get we really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but it’s hard not to. I’m a visual person so the cover is always going to appeal to me. On top of that, the synopsis sounded really good and caught my attention. I always love a good thriller/mystery that will keep you guessing through the whole story.

The Characters

I only have a few issues with David. One thing is that he seems like the type of person who is basically keeping his wife there just so he can have her there. He doesn’t want to be alone. I know I know this isn’t the main plot of this book. In fact, it’s a very small part of this book but it really made me not like him very well. 

This is something that happens a lot in relationships. People settle even though they know that the relationship isn’t for them. In turn, this wastes their significant other’s time for however many years the relationship continued going. 

The only other thing that bothered me about him is that he’s your typical “writer” that a lot of authors write about. So, David is a lot like other writers in other books and nothing about him really stands out to me.

The Plot

Despite that, the characters aren’t really in-depth or really stand out all that much the plot of the story is actually really good. The first chapter didn’t exactly grab my attention but I’m glad I kept reading because once the characters found the book things started picking up. 

Surprisingly this is only the second book I’ve read that had a book within a book. If you’re not really sure what that means it’s basically us readers getting to read the book that David got in the mail in rotating chapters. I am all here for this type of book! I don’t know what it is but I get excited about a book within a book. 

If you want to read The Final Chapter doesn’t go in with super high hopes. Like I said the plot is pretty good and kept my interest but it’s not exactly one of those books that brings something new to the table. On top of that, there is one part (I’m not going into detail because it will give too much away) that kind of makes me question how certain characters were able to get away with things. The explanation wasn’t much of an explanation at all and there’s one main character I kept wondering why exactly he kept things a secret even though his intuition was right. I don’t recall there ever being an explanation for him but there were for the other two characters.

Overall the book is okay but defiantly worth checking out if you like thrillers.

If you enjoyed this review then make sure to check out my review for The Cousins.

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