Georgia Bucket List to have the ultimate adventure

Creating a bucket is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I think that’s because the older that I get the more I’m starting to realize that I don’t want to regret things when it’s my time to go. I know that’s a bit on the darker side and I don’t want to fully go there, but that’s where it started and a part of me wants that to change. But with that being said I’m wanting to curate a bucket list for each of the 50 states. That includes the state that I live in, so recently I created my Georgia Bucket List.

Not that long ago I realized that in my 34 (almost 35) years of life, with all of that being in Georgia, I really haven’t explored my state all that much. That to me is a little bit disappointing. Maybe it’s a little bit different for you but I always want to explore and I don’t want that to stop as I get older. I don’t want my life to revolve around being at home, even though being at home is okay.

Georgia Bucket List

Maybe you’re in the same boat that I am. Or maybe you just want to explore Georgia a little bit more. Here is a Georgia bucket list that is worth trying to complete!

Georgia Bucket List Ideas

  • Explore Savannah
  • Visit Stone Mountain
  • Go to the Georgia Aquarium
  • Visit Tybee Island
  • Explore the little Granyon more
  • Hike the Appalachian Trail
  • Visit Jekyll Island
  • Visit Tallulah State Park
  • Visit Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park
  • Visit Callaway Gardens during Christmastime
  • Go on the zipline at Banning Mills
  • Visit Rome Georgia
  • Take the kids to the Children’s Museum in Atlanta
  • Take the Atlanta film location tour
  • Ride the Skyview Ferris wheel
  • See the Lego Discovery Center
  • Visit Cine Bar Cafe
  • Visit World of Wonder Playground
  • Explore Sandy Creek Nature Center
  • Visit Phinzy Swamp Nature Park
  • Visit the coca cola space center

Where can you create your list?

This is something that’s going to be different for just about everyone. There are multiple ways of creating your bucket list. You can type it up in Word and print it out. You can create a Pinterest board and just follow it that way. There are so many more ways that can keep track of it the way that you want to.

For me, I’m planning on using a bullet journal. I want to be a bit creative with mine and also be able to carry it around with me in my bag. Here are some journals like the one I’m planning on using.

If you want to use a bullet journal as well then you can find the one I’m using here. If you want to use others then you can find more here.

What are some things that you want to add to your Georgia bucket list? Let me know in the comments what other states you have a bucket list for! If you want to check out my main bucket list you can find that here.

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